Becoming a mother…… or attaining Motherhood is a grand, divine and an incomparable experience and feeling which no words can express. No language can express the power of Motherhood, the beauty, the heroism, and the majesty of mother’s LOVE. A mother shares the most beautiful and strongest bond with her child. It makes her the happiest person on the earth; however, this happiness comes with a huge share of responsibilities. Being a mother is the most beautiful emotion in the world. It is something that has to be felt.
Life is great, but life is even better once you have been blessed to become a mom. Only giving birth to a baby is not important, caring and nurturing of the child fulfils her with unspeakable love, unbounded joy and, happiness. Her life becomes blessed. Motherhood in women’s life is joy, passion, and the greatest achievement a woman can have.
For all would be mothers-
“ You have embarked on the most wonderful journey of nine months that offers joy, confidence, affection and expectation of the greatest miracle- Giving birth and bringing new life to the world.”
I will always be by your side to help you in this grand and unforgettable journey.