Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience both for you and your baby. Remember:
- Breast milk is by far the best food for your new-born baby; 23 commercial-made baby formulas, as well as any other food or drink, can match breast milk;
- Breastfeeding (as compared to artificial feeding) protects against common infections, especially diarrhoeal and respiratory diseases as well as urinary tract and ear infections;
- Breastfeed as often as the baby wants, do not restrict the frequency of feeding according to a timetable;
- Let the baby come off the breast spontaneously, do not take the baby off the breast before the baby is finished;
- Try to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months and then continue for as long and often as possible (exclusively means giving your baby only breastmilk for 6 months – no other fluids, including water, tea or glucose!);
- Anaemia is not a contra-indication to breastfeeding and even if you are anaemic you should continue to breastfeed;
- Weight loss is not a contra-indication to breastfeeding and even if you have lost weight you should continue to breastfeed;
- You should not stop breastfeeding even if you are smoking or occasionally consume alcohol – your milk is still the best food for your baby. Consult an expert gynaecologist in Indore for more information related to breastfeeding or pre and post pregnancy issues.