Prevention of Cervical Cancer by Dr. Hema Jajoo

gynecologist in indore, Prevention of Cervical Cancer by Dr. Hema Jajoo

Prevention of Cervical Cancer by Dr. Hema Jajoo

Prevention of Cervical Cancer:

  1. HPV vaccination:
    – Recommended for both males and females between the ages of 9 and 26.
    – Protects against the most common types of HPV that cause cervical cancer.
  2. Safe sexual practices:
    – Use condoms consistently and correctly.
    – Limit the number of sexual partners.
  3. Regular screenings:
    – Pap smear: Recommended for women aged 21-65.
    – HPV testing: Recommended for women aged 30-65.
  4. Quit smoking:
    – Smoking increases the risk of cervical cancer and reduces the effectiveness of treatment.
  5. Boost immune system:
    – Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
    – Exercise regularly.
    – Get enough sleep.
  6. Importance of Early Detection:
    – Cervical cancer is highly curable when detected early.
    – Regular screenings can detect pre-cancer lesions which can be treated easily.

Emphasizing lifestyle modifications not only lowers cancer risk but enhances general well-being. Given the uniqueness of each person’s risk factors, consulting a Gynecologist in Indore is advisable for personalized advice on the prevention of cervical cancer that can be tailored to your circumstances.